Writing Haskell Functions With Many Nameless Parameters
Although it could be considered bad style, it is often useful to have functions that take a large amount of similar parameters that vary in type. I am going to demonstrate a technique that allows to write such functions without naming these parameters and making the function more readable.
The function I will use for demonstration is an example of a common pattern when working with JSON data.
{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax, OverloadedStrings #-}
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Types
import Data.Text
String → Float → Bool → Value
person ∷ = object [
person name height over18 "name" .= name,
"height" .= height,
"over18" .= over18]
The name of each parameter is repeated three times. Writing many such functions is often done by copying and pasting, which is a red flag and a possible source of errors.
In an attempt to write reusable code, we can define a simple function that builds the result in small steps.
ToJSON a ⇒ Text → [Pair] → a → [Pair]
field ∷ = (k, toJSON v) : d field k d v
The order of the arguments is important because it fits well into the $-
combinator. This combinator is the key to the whole exercise. It builds our desired multi-argument function without having to name the arguments.
infixr 3 $-
$-) ∷ (d → a → e) → (e → k) → d → a → k
($-) f g d a = g $ f d a (
(Some readers may recognise this relative of the infamous cartoon face operator ((.).(.))
We can now rewrite the person function.
String → Float → Bool → Value
person' ∷ = ($[])
person' $ field "name"
$- field "height"
$- field "over18"
$- object
The first part of the function body, ($[])
, is the initial value used to build our object. The last part, $- object
transforms the list that was built incrementally into the final result.
This technique becomes more powerful when you write other helper functions. For example, we can also have another function that ignores Nothing
ToJSON a ⇒ Text → [Pair] → Maybe a → [Pair]
optfield ∷ Just v) = field k d v
optfield k d (Nothing = d optfield _ d
The $-
combinator’s usefulness is not limited to building JSON objects. It can be used to write many functions that need to combine heterogeneous values for which simple utility functions such as field and optfield can be written. Functions written in this style make cleaner, less repetitive code.